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Hospitality & Product

After over a decade working in hospitality I have inside knowledge to help capture the best side of your business. Making sure that those 1% details are perfect so your digital content stands above the rest. Using creative dynamic movements and lighting to get scroll stopping, salivating imagery! 

Take a look below at a few client galleries

Walt & Burley


Village cafe

Capital food markets

Photo Packages


The Basics

Perfect for when you're setting up online ordering or take-away. Capture each dish with your choice of background (white, wood, marble etc) up to 1hr


Destination Maker

For when you want to stand out against the crowd, scroll stopping content that expresses your unique character and shows people what it's like to be there - up to 2hrs

The Works

scroll stopping content of the menu as well as photos of the venue, unique characteristics and staff to really round out a full package that's perfect for launches and relaunches

Video Packages


Photo Reels

When you've had a full package of photos and you want to showcase your venue without diving straight into video. Using stop motion, and special effects to bring images to life


Short Form Teasers

These are your bread and butter for pimping out your social media. Engaging reels will get peoples eyes on your products and can be used as ads to have you getting booked up and busy. 10-30sec videos


Promo Video

When you want to focus your efforts and create an engaging masterpiece that you can use for ads and larger format marketing and website. 1-2min video that really showcases your unique experience


Content Creation


This is one of the biggest and best value packages. With a combination of photo AND video that will bring your online presence to a whole new level! you'll get 8 videos and 30 photos every month, allowing you to push your amazing product to the rest of the world who will fall in love with your brand

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